Monday, January 14, 2013

Foolish Quotes, Clowns, and Gun Control

When asked about putting armed guards in schools, the newly crowned Miss America said, "The answer is not to fight violence with violence." (Huffington Post).

"We've never had a civilian stop a shooting."  - MSNBC's Ed Schultz (The Blaze).

After commenting about the NRA, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough asks, "Do you know how much money these people have made over the slaughter of 20 innocents in Newtown?" (NewsBusters).

"You, sir, are f—ked [bleeped] in the head." - Stephen Colbert talking about NRA President Wayne LaPierre. (Breitbart).

"You mean kill these gun shows? I'd love to see that." - MSNBC's Chris Matthews (BizPacReview).

Buzz Bissinger (Daily Beast): “...Piers, challenge Alex Jones to a boxing match, show up with a semi-automatic that you got legally and pop him.”
Abby Huntsman (Huffington Post) : “I’d love to see that… [laughter] in uniform.”
Piers Morgan: “I’ll borrow my brothers uniform.”  (InfoWars).

"The 2nd amendment was devised with muskets in mind, not high-powered handguns & assault rifles. Fact." - Piers Morgan (Examiner).

"Executive order, executive action can be taken, we haven't decided what that is yet." - Joe Biden (Washington Times).

"I say to you forget the extremists. It’s simple — no one hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs 10 bullets to kill a deer and too many people have died already." - NY Governor Andrew Cuomo (CBS).

"We can't even begin to address 30,000 gun deaths that are actually, in reality, happening in this country every year because a few of us must remain vigilant against the rise of Imaginary Hitler." - Jon Stewart (Business Insider).

Most of these quotes come from angry leftists who are currently "journalists" or act as such.  In the case of the always unfunny Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, it's a matter of "clown nose on, clown nose off."  They can get away with anything in the name of "comedy" without being held accountable.  Lets take Stewart's 30,000 figure as an example.  Did you know that more than half of these are suicides? (MSNBC).  Of the remaining gun deaths, how many were justifiable?  I would love a little context, but these Comedy Central clowns get away with it because they are immune to scrutiny.  As for the real journalists, what is with the bias?