Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Story of Guyamus

I always wondered what kind of personality my daughter would have.  I think after a few months of interacting with her I finally figured it out.  I wrote this story for her as a way to capture her personality.  It has been three months since I wrote the story and not much has changed, other than her increased thirst for adventure.  A month after she was born, I started calling her "Guyamus."  There's really no good rhyme or reason.  When there's a baby in the house, you just start adding syllables to words that don't really need more of them.  I would add "amus" to the ending of a lot of words.  I would also call my daughter "big guy."  "Guyamus" was just a natural transition.


Stan said...

Guyamus? Is that pronounced GUY-AY-MUSS? Thats just really weird.

CABE said...

Not ay. Guy-ah-mus.