Monday, March 26, 2012

Santorum - Religion in Politics

There are a few things in life that really bother me. Lately, Rick Santorum and his supporters are definitely worthy of this topic. They're hi-jacking a political party, and are using religion, and hatred to propel a despicable candidate.

Advice for everyone: Stop using religion to propel your candidate. This may work in the Bible Belt, but it disgusts most Americans. Santorum's wife said that it was "God's will" that her husband was still in the race. (Huffington Post). Recently, Rick Santorum did some campaigning in two Louisiana Churches. (KSLA). Santorum won Louisiana, in part due to Romney's Mormon religion.

Sites like GodVoter.Org have this to say, "Even if Mitt Romney spoke from true convictions, Christians cannot vote for someone who not only belongs to but leads as High-Priest a Christ-dishonoring cult..." (GodVoter.Org). Mitt Romney's Wikipedia page has been vandalized on numerous occasions. Jared Barber, a Louisiana voter, had this to say, "Christian values are my thing. Romney's a Mormon. That's a drawback." Barber also said he'd write in Jesus before voting for Mitt Romney. (LA Times). On Topix.Com, Pastor Deacon Vinnie writes: "Friends, I never thought I'd live to see the day when a Mormon cult member would be running for President of this Christian country... I know in my heart that I speak for all true Christians when I say that the idea of Mitt Romney sitting in the Oval Office sends a shiver down my spine, and a cold trickle of perspiration down the small of my back." (Topix Forum). On Tales From The Trail, anonymous comments like these appear: "I'm just appalled at the thought of having a Mormon for our President." Another comment: "If people really knew the truth about Mormons they would not vote for Romney." (Tales from the Trail). 69 year old Vickie Raabe (staunch Santorum supporter) had this to say about Romney: "I just don't like him. I don't believe that Romney's a Christian." She made her comments at a Santorum event where Tony Perkins (FRC) and a hundred pastors were present. (CBS).

These comments came from Rick Santorum supporters. The Constitution specifies no religious test for candidates. The 2012 primary seems like a religious popularity contest. Further, to see Republicans (my own party) act like bigots is just plain sad. The comments made by voters in the Bible Belt about voting against Mormonism is a disgrace to the political system. How about voting for a candidate with good policies? Forget about their religion. I cringe when politicians bring their campaigns to a Church, or even promote their views of morality. I also can't stand "social conservatism" in the Republican party. Social conservatism is moral bigotry. Sure, I think homosexuality is a sin, and I believe God intended for a man and a woman to become "one"...but who am I to enforce these views on society? Who am I to say two people can't get married because my particular religion says so? Who am I to tell others they can't do things because my religion disagrees? Stop enforcing your bastardized views on society. I'm tired of it, and I'm tired of Rick Santorum.