Saturday, September 3, 2011

Taking a Stand

Recently, I’ve been very vocal about a certain situation regarding my family. A woman, who shall not be named, decided to harbor, aid, and abet her pregnant teenage granddaughter against the wishes of her mother. The teenage girl in question was my favorite cousin. Her actions are inexcusable, and I feel that she should be suffering the consequences. Her grandmother feels differently, and is taking every measure to comfort, console, and alleviate these consequences. I can’t express how much this upsets me. Consequences make us better. We learn, we adapt, and we overcome. When these consequences are taken away, we do not progress as human beings.

I have been openly lambasted for my opinions on this matter. I have lost friends and family for these opinions. I have been called a lot of names from people who quote the Gospel of Matthew in their Bibles. One such person had the nerve to tell me not to judge, and then in the same paragraph called me an "ignorant ass." What upsets me about the situation has little to do with morality, and more to do with being irresponsible. When these people criticize me, they say, "JUDGE not, that ye be not judged" which comes directly from Matthew 7:1. People often use this to excuse bad behavior, and avoid any kind of responsibility. If we shouldn’t judge, are we to tolerate anything? There are several occasions in the Bible in which judging is permitted. 2 Timothy 4:2 encourages us to reprove, and rebuke. To reprove means to reprimand and to rebuke means to express disapproval of bad behavior. I have done both.

There are members of my family who are very passive. Sadly, this passive trait has spread to their children and others. I am of the belief that passive individuals should not be parents. I have witnessed what the lack of discipline has done to members of my family. Kids grow up believing they are entitled, they grow up without understanding consequences, they generally pile huge burdens upon themselves and their families and they disgrace their family name. I do not like this aspect of society, and I don’t like it when it exists in my family. The woman I mentioned in the first paragraph is a passive parent, and a passive grandparent. I believe this to be the epicenter of all related problems that I have addressed. I have since removed myself as her friend, and I want nothing to do with her until she changes her ways.


CABE said...

I'd like to note that I intentionally left out names.

Stan said...

"Disgrace their family name"

Lmao, where are you from, pre-industrial Japan?

I disagree with what the older person and the very younger person did, but it's hardly my place to tell them off. Even if it was my place, they're just putting off the consequences until later, after they've snowballed into a monster.

And everybody seems to quote scripture as if you are inherently clueless as how to proceed. Give me a break. Most of the time the right thing to do is self-evident.

CABE said...

The family name is basically the concept of a reputation. You can have an honorable reputation, and one of your kids could totally take a dump on it.

It may not be your place to tell them off, but if they will not listen to those in doesn't hurt.

Morality was thrown into this by people telling me not to judge. I'd rather talk about irresponsible behavior and accountability than get in a religious battle. However; if they want to debate morality, I am all for it. I know my Bible inside and out.

Stan said...

I don't accept the idea that the Bible is the ultimate authority on morality.

If it is, metaphors and parables are an awful way to guide the human race.

CABE said...

Well, it's not the sole source of morality. But to these people it is... and if they want to play Bible thumper, then I'm happy to oblige.

Why are you using a different blogger account?

Stan said...

idk i have a few of them