Sunday, September 2, 2012

Media Bias

Yahoo! recently fired David Chalian, their Bureau Chief, for saying that Republicans were "happy to have a party with black people drowning." I like Yahoo!, and I think they handled this situation in the best possible way. They fired Chalian immediately and apologized to Mitt Romney and his supporters. (Politico)

There is one media outlet in particular that I am beginning to despise. Years ago, MSNBC had an awesome lineup. They had Tucker Carlson, Dan Abrams, Monica Crowley, Rita Cosby, and even Chris Matthews was balanced and entertaining back then. They also had Pat Buchanan as an analyst. Today, the lineup is something that the Soviet Union would crave: Andrea Mitchell, Martin Bashir, Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O'Donnell. What the heck happened? MSNBC is so biased that they make NPR look respectable.

Some Notes from Last Month:
August 11th: MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell dismissed Paul Ryan by saying: "This is not a pick for suburban moms. This is not a pick for women." (YouTube)
MSNBC's Chris Matthews says Paul Ryan's budget is "screwing" needy people. (MRCTV)
August 13th: MSNBC's Thomas Roberts claims that polls show: "Republicans in Washington are far less popular than the Democrats."
August 14th: Chris Matthews claims Paul Ryan is "a guy who wants to help out the winners in society, and make it a little rough for people that are riding along, depending on the government. He doesn't like those people." (TheRightScoop)
MSNBC's Alex Wagner says that Paul Ryan's positions are anti-women. (NewsBusters)
Chris Matthews tells us that Paul Ryan "could be worse than Quayle..." (NewsBusters-Audio)
August 16th: MSNBC's Touré Neblett accuses Romney of "niggerization." (YouTube)

That's a six day spread of bias. Remember how Yahoo! acted quickly to remove their Bureau Chief? MSNBC should do the same thing with most of their lineup. I don't mind a few liberal talking points here and there, I listen to NPR for crying out loud, but I don't like the noise that they are broadcasting. It's like they're reading straight out of the Obama campaign's manifesto.


Stan said...

Every day there are more examples of bias, double standards, and just plain hackishness (for lack of a better word).

Like right now it's all about Andrea Mitchell claiming they can't air the "I believe in redistribution" clip because they can't verify it, even though they aired it earlier the same day. But they will repeatedly air the edited Romney clip about the 47%.

CABE said...

You should check out Newsbusters. It's one of the sites I go to every day.