President Obama was re-elected after winning 332 electoral votes, and winning 51% of the popular vote.
This means higher taxes, higher gas prices, and more folks dependant on government.
Any good news to report? Yes. He can't run again.
What went wrong?
The Republican turnout was abysmal.
Here are some striking facts:
"Romney received about the same amount of support from Mormons that Bush received in 2004" (Pew Forum). Wow!
President Obama had 10 million fewer votes than in 2008...and he still won!
Mitt Romney won only 58 million votes, while McCain won about 60 million in 2008! (The Gateway Pundit).
Summary: Mitt Romney was not an ideal candidate. I have no doubt that he was probably the cleanest person to ever run for President, but he couldn't distinguish himself well enough from Obama.
There was no question that he was gaining momentum during the last few weeks of the campaign, but because of the extended primary season... he just didn't have the time. I feel bad that his religion was constantly attacked (via Bill Maher, see Los Angeles Times Blog for one example), his family was attacked (see Snopes), his former business was attacked (see Politifact), and that he was accused of being a felon (see TheBlaze). But he couldn't seize the moment! He flubbed his chance to point out Obama's lies about Benghazi (see Breitbart), and he didn't communicate the flaws of Obamacare as Paul Ryan brilliantly did in the past (see YouTube). I think his health care plan in Massachusetts hurt him. People couldn't see a difference between it and Obamacare. Republicans are all about individual rights, and smaller government. Health insurance shouldn't be forced on anyone, yet both candidates violated this belief. Romney and McCain were moderates in the party. If Romney would have let Paul Ryan off of his leash, he could have won this thing. A generic Republican candidate may have fared better.
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